Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

Car air conditioning has been rapidly standardised over the last 10 years due to the major enhancement it brings to passenger comfort. Drivers now realise that to work properly their car air conditioning systems do require regular maintenance.

Car and van air conditioning systems will tend to lose refrigerant over time as it leaks out through the joints in components. This will cause the air conditioning performance to deteriorate and just when you need that cold blast of air to keep you cool, it may not work at all. If you leave your car air conditioning operating with low refrigerant levels more serious problems can occur with both air and moisture entering the system.

Manufacturers recommend an air conditioning service every 2 years.

If you would like us to take a look at your air conditioning Contact Us.

Air Conditioning

Pan Autos have been supplying Harpenden and the surrounding area for more than 25 years.

We offer great value and customer service for all your vehicle requirements.

Pan Auto Services
Unit 1,
48 Coldharbour Lane,