Tyre Care

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Look after your tyres in 3 easy steps

Four strips of rubber are all that stand between you and potentially life threatening situations on the road. Worn or underinflated tyres increase your stopping distance and risk of skidding, and will result in higher fuel consumption and significantly reduced lifespan.

Follow Bridgestone's 3 easy steps to tyre care:

Check Tyre Thread

Check your Tread Depth

More tread = more grip. Anything under 3mm can compromise performance and safety. Check your tread depth on all four tyres. Bridgestone recommend you check the inner, outer and centre. Use a dedicated tread gauge or the built-in tread wear indicator on your tyres (the legal limit of 1.6mm is reached when the tyre is worn to the level of the tread wear indicators in the main groove.)

Check Tyre Pressure

Check your Tyre Pressure

Maintaining correct inflation pressure is essential. Tyres naturally lose pressure over time so you need to refill them regularly. Check your tyre pressure at least once a month and when your tyres are cold, and before long journeys. More Info

Check Tyre Damage

Check for Damage or Irregular Wear

Your tyres are built to withstand tough treatment, but they're not indestructible. Poor wheel alignment, prolonged under or over-inflation and harsh road conditions can cause damage that will compromise the reliability of your tyres. Check regularly for uneven wear (on both sides of the tyre,) tears, cracks or bulges on the sidewall and damage to the wheel rims.

Make an appointment with Pan Autos today for a Free Tyre Check.

Pan Autos have been supplying Harpenden and the surrounding area for more than 25 years.

We offer great value and customer service for all your vehicle requirements.

Pan Auto Services
Unit 1,
48 Coldharbour Lane,